Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Idea

So I have been reading a meme about Thanksgiving and it got wondering about a one Holiday game.  Basically it talks about how it is impossible to get a recipe from an old black woman (I can attest to this trying to get my own mother’s recipe for pound cake).  The scenario is that the group has to put away a big bad and they know of a concoction that will put him away.  The only thing is that a stubborn, old woman won’t give up the recipe without something in exchange for it.  It is up to the group to find the correct enticement for her and save the day in time.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Peace!!!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Solomon Kane in the Motherland!!!

I've got an idea for a new Twist on the Savage worlds setting for Solomon Kane. It takes place in deepest darkest Africa but the players and the world is guarded by a Black Panther. I know Robert E Howard set a lot of Solomon  Kane's adventures in Africa but I would kind of like to see a native take on the story. It would definitely take some inspiration from Nyambe the D20 setting of a fantasy Africa. I'm bad at writing things down so hopefully it won't take a year before I update.